Peter Scheller
Berater für Wirtschaftsprüfer, Rechtsanwälte, Steuer- und Unternehmensberater

„Wenn es knifflig wird.“



German social security: The need for an Authorized Representative

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 3)

From 1 January 2021 foreign employers are obliged to appoint an Authorised Representative when they employ staff who will be liable to German social security contributions. This obligation is applicable for employers who do not have a registered office in Germany.

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The Expat-Team

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Finding the best way to relocate to Germany is important and seeking early advice will save time, cost and avoid difficulties later.

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German social security for expatriates

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German social security for expatriates

In general expatriates moving to Germany are interested in their tax situation. For people with high income this is understandable. However, foreign employees and their employers should not ignore social security obligations in Germany. There are certain issues to be …

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